It’s nearing the end of the semester and many of you are starting to think about the job market. Whether you’re looking for a temporary job or a more permanent one, it’s never too early to start thinking about these things. Here at Dissertation Editor, we’re not just about dissertations or theses – we have an array of services that can help you with preparing for the job market. We offer CV and resume assistance, consultations for interview prep and practice, and editing with feedback for cover letters, personal and professional statements, and teaching philosophies.

If you’re entering the job market (of any kind), here are some things to keep in mind to help you land the job you’re after!

Pay attention to your field. If you don’t already, subscribe to trade publications or join a professional organization. Take note of trends in your field and area of study – what kinds of positions are opening up? What seems to be in demand? How can your skills or specialized knowledge be leveraged? These are all things to keep in mind and be aware of as you think about entering the job market.

Take a hard, honest look at your CV or resume. Let’s be honest, your CV or resume is one of the main things that recruiters look at, along with your cover letter. If you have funky formatting, cutesy graphics, playful fonts, spelling errors, or it just looks unprofessional, chances are it won’t pass muster and will get tossed aside. A professional editor (like those at Dissertation Editor!) can give you feedback on what should be removed, what should be added, and how to present yourself in the best, most professional way.

Do your research. Learn about the companies to which you’re applying – you might find out they’re not a good fit, for whatever reason. Once you get an interview, you want to go onto the company’s website, read their mission statement, find out more about the current team and management – become well-acquainted with the website. This will help you develop questions for your interview and will show them that you’ve done the work to prepare.

Practice, practice, practice. Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, and like everything else that involves public speaking or lots of nerves, practice is essential in presenting a calm, cool, professional demeanor. If you get flustered easily, preparing in advance will help to minimize those jitters. Learn about the most common interview questions, think about how your experience makes you the best candidate for the job, and practice mock interviews with trusted friends, family, or a professional. Be aware of your body language and any nervous habits you might have, both speaking-wise and physically. A consultation with one of our team members can help you better prepare for your interview and identify any challenges you might face.

Think about logistics. Do you have your interview outfit ready? You want to know the dress code and dress accordingly. You can’t go wrong with a professional outfit that’s been properly fitted. Don’t forget about your appearance; proper grooming goes a long way and helps present a professional picture. How are you getting to the interview? Do a dry run ahead of time, preferably at the same time you’re going to do it the day of the interview. Know where you’re going and how long it is expected to take to arrive, and leave yourself enough time to get there if there’s traffic or an unexpected delay.

Don’t forget to get enough rest! We know it’s hard and you’re excited, but it’s important to be rested for the interview – the last thing you want to do is be fighting off yawns or be so exhausted that you forget important information.

Contact Dissertation Editor today to learn more about the services we offer and how we can help you prepare for whatever comes your way, job market-wise!

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Tagged under: Graduate School   academic jobs   job market   job preparation   professional services  

The staff at Dissertation Editor were professional and prompt with their responses. The editors consistently provided great feedback and suggestions to enhance the overall quality of the paper. I highly recommend their services.


- Linda S.

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