Writing and Research Tips


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Preparing for the Job Market

12th May 2020

It’s nearing the end of the semester and many of you are starting to think about the job market. Whether you’re looking for a temporary job or a more permanent one, it’s never too early to start thinking about these things.

Academic New Year's Resolutions for 2019

2nd January 2020

It’s a new year! It’s that time when people make resolutions…and often break them. We did a post like this last year, which you can read here.

Dr. Roda and his team at D.E. are the editors for my academic writing. My story with Dr. Roda is that I am a clinical assistant professor at a medical school. To move my career forward I am writing to increase the quantity and quality of my published scholarship. Because my appointment is clinical, all these efforts are on my own time and I have no secretarial help. In these circumstances DE has been supportive in the most essential way. They are available to help with all phases of my writing projects, starting with choosing the best journal, editing drafts, in house peer-review, formatting the citations to those exact specifications, from the latest edition of the APA Publication Manual or the Turabian manual. Finally, they are helpful as I must revise and answer the reviewers in subsequent revisions. For a physician without any administrative resources, DE has helped fill-in all those gaps. Presently, we are working on my second big writing project with DE editors. My first paper with DE as my editors was accepted by the first journal by all the reviewers on the first submission without any recommended editorial changes. As author with more than five years of work with DE editors, I anticipate continued success with these competant and helpful editors.


- Dr. Mike

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