Writing and Research Tips


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Books and Movies to Celebrate Halloween

27th October 2020

It’s almost Halloween, and although it might look different this year for many people, you can still get into the holiday spirit! As the weather gets cooler in many parts of the country and the leaves start to fall, we love diving into the autumn traditions like pumpkin or apple picking, hayrides, and spooky activities.

Developing an Engaging PowerPoint

20th October 2020

Most of us have done PowerPoint presentations at some point in our professional and academic careers, and if you haven’t, you will.

Benefits of Dissertation Coaching

6th October 2020

Writing a dissertation or thesis can be challenging. It takes a long time from start to finish, and for many people, is unlike anything they’ve ever done before.

October is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month!

5th October 2020

While many people know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month (it’s impossible to avoid all the pink), a lot less people know that October is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month.

October is National Book Month!

1st October 2020

I bet you didn’t know that October was National Book Month, did you? The National Book Foundation established the first National Book Month in 2003.

DE and Professional Services

29th September 2020

Did you know that Dissertation Editor isn’t just for help with dissertations or theses? Yes, you read that correctly! We offer a range of services for academia and even after you’ve completed your degree, we can still help.

How Dissertation Editor Can Help with Math Anxiety

17th September 2020

If you have math anxiety, you’re not alone. Many kids, teens, and adults have anxiety or trepidation with math, which has often led them to avoid it at all costs.

Need to Get Organized? Read These Books

15th September 2020

Getting and staying organized: for some people, it comes naturally. For others, it takes some work and effort.

Tips for Stress Reduction

8th September 2020

September is the awareness month for both self-care and suicide prevention. While you might hear many graduate students talk about their stress like it’s a badge of honor, stress can wreak havoc on both your physical and mental health.

Dissertation Editor is Now in the UK!

1st September 2020

We have exciting news! Dissertation Editor now has a branch in the UK, Thesis Editor. After working with clients both in the US and internationally since 2005, we here at Dissertation Editor decided to establish a UK-specific branch to better serve our clients in the UK.

Self-Publishing 101

20th August 2020

So you want to write a book – great! Or better yet, you’ve written a book – even better! How will you publish it? There is the traditional mode of publishing: depending on your genre, you need an agent, who will then submit the manuscript to publishers.

Benefits of Joining a Virtual Writing Group

18th August 2020

Writing groups have always been helpful, and, especially in graduate school, they’re often done in-person.

Books to Read in Honor of the ADA Turning 30

27th July 2020

The Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA, turns 30 this year. It was signed into law on July 26, 1990.

The ADA Turns 30!

23rd July 2020

On July 26th 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law by President George H.

It's Summer! Here's How to Stay Motivated

16th July 2020

It’s summertime, and while our summer this year looks different than in years past because of the COVID-19 pandemic, hopefully you’ll still be able to get outside in the sunshine, relax a bit, and recharge for the coming year.

Tips for Online Learning

14th July 2020

With classes moved online for the time being for many students, and online classes even heading into the fall semester, some people may not be as comfortable with online learning as others.

Setting Up Your Outdoor Workspace

7th July 2020

As the weather gets nicer, you might feel the pull to be outside more – and that’s great! Being outside and spending time in nature can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Dissertation Editor Gets Recognition from the Better Business Bureau

6th July 2020

Here at Dissertation Editor, we take customer satisfaction very seriously, and we are thrilled to share that we were recently recognized by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) with a Certificate of No Complaints and No Negative Customer Reviews.

Alleviating Aches and Pains While Working at your Computer

30th June 2020

If you’re working on your thesis or dissertation, perhaps in addition to sitting in front of a computer screen all day for work, you’re probably familiar with the myriad aches and pains you might develop.

Virtual Tours for When You Need a Break

25th June 2020

We know that sometimes, in the middle of research, writing, working, and reading, you just need to get away.

Books To Read If You're Interested in Pandemics

16th June 2020

Reading can help us think more deeply and make better sense of things around us. We are living through a global pandemic, and for some people, reading about pandemics can help make sense of the current state of affairs and bring a bit of understanding or even comfort.

Staying Organized Working from Home During COVID-19

9th June 2020

Many – if not most – people are working from home right now. For those who aren’t used to it, this can be a rude awakening and a rough transition, especially if you have a partner or children.

Helpful Websites for Writers

2nd June 2020

Whether you’re writing your thesis or dissertation, a journal article, or a novel or memoir, sometimes you need…something else.

Clearing up Misconceptions About Academic Editing

19th May 2020

If you’ve ever wondered about academic editing, you’ve probably heard some falsehoods about it. You might have heard that it’s plagiarism, or that it’s only for people whose first language isn’t English, or that you can just have your friend who majored in English proofread your paper and it’s the same thing.

Preparing for the Job Market

12th May 2020

It’s nearing the end of the semester and many of you are starting to think about the job market. Whether you’re looking for a temporary job or a more permanent one, it’s never too early to start thinking about these things.

Star Wars Day!

4th May 2020

It’s May 4th, the best day of the year for Star Wars fans! Here at Dissertation Editor, we love a good space opera and we love Star Wars.

Self-Care During COVID-19

14th April 2020

It’s always important to practice self-care, but it is especially important during graduate school and while you’re working on your thesis or dissertation.

How Do You Know if You Have the Right Dissertation/Thesis Topic?

31st March 2020

Many people spend a lot of time wondering how to choose a thesis or dissertation topic, but how do you know when you have the right one? Well, it can be different for everyone, including how you define “the right topic,” but there are a few ways to know you’ve picked a good topic.

Choosing Credible Sources

24th March 2020

In this day and age, we are lucky to have a surplus of scholarly information at our fingertips. No more are the hours of paging through card catalogs or scrolling through microfiche.

Working from Home with Kids During COVID-19

23rd March 2020

Working from home can be challenging enough if you’re not used to it, whether it’s for your job or working on your dissertation or thesis.

Academics in the time of COVID-19

16th March 2020

If you attend an in-person undergraduate or graduate program, you most likely have been affected by school closures, due to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

Celebrate Pi Day!

14th March 2020

Ah, Pi Day – no, not PIE day, although we’d love that, too – but Pi Day, a day in which math lovers everywhere celebrate the wonder that is pi, the mathematical constant typically known as 3.

Dealing With Feedback

10th March 2020

This blog post might be hard for some of you to read. Good. That’s a good thing – we all need to push our comfort zones and be uncomfortable from time to time.

National Grammar Day!

4th March 2020

March 4th! It’s the only day of the year that is also a complete sentence (march forth!). It’s also National Grammar Day.

Quitting Your Doctoral Program

18th February 2020

Yes, you read the title of today’s blog correctly. Graduate school isn’t for everyone, and sometimes a certain graduate program isn’t right for you – there’s nothing wrong or shameful about that, and there’s no reason to stay in a doctoral program and amass debt and lose time if you know it’s not right for you.

Self-Care for Valentine's Day

13th February 2020

February brings with it the commercial trappings of Valentine’s Day: red and pink hearts and the ideas of romance and relationships.

Maintaining Your Motivation During Winter Time

21st January 2020

It’s the middle of winter, and in many parts of the country, the temperatures have dropped and snow may be on the ground.

Networking as a Graduate Student

14th January 2020

In a perfect world, simply going to school or an internship and working would enable you to meet everyone you need to meet and open up doors to opportunity; unfortunately, that’s not reality, and active networking is necessary.

Academic New Year's Resolutions for 2019

2nd January 2020

It’s a new year! It’s that time when people make resolutions…and often break them. We did a post like this last year, which you can read here.

Books to Read Over Winter Break

30th December 2019

It’s winter break for most students, and that means more time: time to work on your thesis or dissertation, time to learn a data analysis program, time to rest and recharge, or time to read a good book.

How Failure Can Help You Succeed

17th December 2019

There was an article going around about a PhD candidate who defended her dissertation wearing a skirt made out of rejection letters she’d gotten during her doctoral program: scholarship rejections, journal rejections, grant rejections, conference rejections, and more.

Keeping a Research Journal

10th December 2019

We’ve discussed academic bullet journaling and how it can help you in a previous blog post, but what about keeping a research journal? While bullet journaling keeps a record of your deadlines and schedules, a research journal is different.

What Can You Do with a Dissertation Editor Gift Card?

5th December 2019

The holidays are coming up, and sometimes it’s not easy to figure out what to get friends or family members.

Practicing Gratitude as a Graduate Student

3rd December 2019

It’s that time of year when people take stock of what they're thankful for and how they can do nice things for others.

Submitting Your Dissertation or Thesis to ProQuest

26th November 2019

After your final revisions are complete, your manuscript has been edited, and you are completely finished with your thesis or dissertation, you’ll upload your manuscript to ProQuest.

Graduate School and Disabilities

19th November 2019

Did you know that nearly 20 percent of undergraduate students (19.4%) report having a disability, and 8 percent of masters students and 7 percent of doctoral students report having a disability? The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) defines “disability” in legal terms, not medical terms, and defines a person with a disability as “a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

Getting (and Staying) Organized for Graduate School

12th November 2019

The school year is well underway, and whether it’s your first year in graduate school or your final year; whether you’re in a traditional in-person program or an online program; and whether you’re going full-time or part-time, getting and staying organized can make a big difference in your academic life.

Dealing With Burnout

5th November 2019

The term “burnout” gets thrown around a lot, but do you know what it really means? Burnout is defined as a state of chronic stress leading to physical and emotional exhaustion, cynicism, detachment, and feeling ineffective and unaccomplished.

Taking a Gap Year Before Graduate School

29th October 2019

By the time you graduate from college, you’ve been going to school for nearly 20 years, if not more.

Dealing with Dyscalculia

22nd October 2019

Many people are familiar with learning disabilities that deal with reading, writing, or language, but did you know that learning disabilities can also affect the ability to process and understand mathematics? Dyscalculia, sometimes also called “math dyslexia” is a math learning disability that is diagnosed in approximately 5 to 7 percent of students in the US.

Tips for Effective Presentations

15th October 2019

Graduate school provides many opportunities to hone your presentation skills: some classes require you to present your research or a topic, you may be teaching, and you might go to a conference or two and do a poster presentation (you can check out our blog on that here).

Dissertation Editor: What We Do

8th October 2019

The school year is getting underway and Dissertation Editor is ready to help! Our name might have the word “dissertation” in it, but did you know that we aren’t just for dissertations or theses? That’s right! We offer a range of services for both students and professionals, at every stage of your career.

Dealing With Math Anxiety

1st October 2019

Math anxiety is real and quite common. Many graduate students dread their Statistics class or shy away from data-driven projects.

Is it Too Late to go to Graduate School?

24th September 2019

If you’re reading this blog, you might be in graduate school already, you might be thinking of applying to graduate school, or you might be in the process of doing so right now.

Academic Writing Tips: How to Declutter Your Writing

17th September 2019

It’s important to get words down on the page. Without it, you don’t have a thesis or dissertation.

Want to Combat Stress or Burnout? Get Outside!

27th August 2019

As graduate school looms in the not-so-distant future, you might be a little anxious about starting or going back to your graduate program or stressed out about your dissertation or thesis.

How to Beat Back-to-School Nerves

22nd August 2019

If you’ve been in any store lately, you know it’s just around the corner: back-to-school time! You can’t escape the school sales, kids stocking up on clothing and school supplies, and that oh-so-familiar smell of new notebooks, paper, and the memory of the thrill of choosing just the right backpack and lunch box.

Back-to-School Necessities for the Graduate Student

20th August 2019

Summer is winding down and going back to school is on the horizon. If you have children, you’ve likely gotten their class lists and are stocking up on supplies – but what about you? Yes, you! Just because you're a graduate student, it doesn't mean you don't need any school supplies.

Podcasts for Writing

13th August 2019

Are you a podcast-listener? We’ve talked about podcasts for graduate students before, but as you know, whatever you’re interested in, there’s a podcast for that! Here are some that may be helpful in writing your dissertation – and writing in general, too.

Classics that Are Perfect for Summer

6th August 2019

We’ve written posts before about how important it is to read widely, and if you read interviews with writers or talk to an established writer, at some point it’s likely that they’ll tell you that in order to write well, you need to read a lot.

Happy Birthday Harry Potter!

31st July 2019

It’s July 31st! In addition to being a sign that the summer is winding down, it’s also Harry Potter’s birthday! Yup, he will be 39 years old this year, and the Harry Potter world of Hogwarts has been part of our cultural fabric for more than 20 years now, if you can believe it.

Maintaining Your Motivation This Summer

25th July 2019

It is mid-summer and many of you might have had some plans in mind for your academic work. There's still time! Whether you’re planning on knocking out a rough draft of a chapter or two of your dissertation, making some headway with your research, or even just wanting to get to a reading list of yours, it can be hard to find the motivation to actually do it.

How to Deal with Rejection (From Academic Journals)

23rd July 2019

It happens to everyone. Really, it does – rejection from academic journals. It’s almost a rite of passage.

Making the Most out of Summer During Graduate School

18th July 2019

Summer is here and your instinct might be to kick back and relax and do as little work as possible on your thesis or dissertation – after all, you want to actually enjoy your summer, right? Well…yes and no.

Podcasts for Math, Statistics, and Data Analysis

16th July 2019

Do you listen to podcasts? Do you want to learn more about math or statistics? This post is for you! It’s also for those of you who may not necessarily love statistics and numbers (hey, it’s not for everyone), but want to learn more or need some clarification.

Summer Reading: Books and Workbooks on Academic Writing

9th July 2019

Summer is a great time to work on any challenges you might have with writing, especially academic writing.

Basics of Submitting to Academic Journals

2nd July 2019

Summer is a great time to start thinking about submitting to journals for publication. You might be working with a professor on research, have you dissertation, or other paper, completed that shows some promise, or you finally have time to finesse that article you’ve been working on.

The Importance of Fact-Checking and Understanding Your Research

27th June 2019

Recently, the author Naomi Wolf learned – on-air, no less – that a major premise of her book is based on a misunderstanding.

Great Podcasts for Graduate Students

25th June 2019

There are all sorts of tools to help you with your graduate school journey: books, websites, blogs, and…podcasts? Yup, podcasts! For those of you who love being able to listen to podcasts while at the gym, on your commute, or while you’re relaxing, now you can listen to a podcast that will help you navigate graduate school and any questions you have about a whole range of topics for grad school and even beyond! First, the basics: what is a podcast, for the uninitiated? It’s generally a series of episodes of audio files, like a digital serial radio show, almost.

Tips to Deal with Graduation Blues

5th June 2019

Congratulations! You worked hard, persevered, and graduated from college or graduate school. This should be one of the happiest times of your life, right? For many graduates, once the immediate graduation and all is festivities pass, a creeping depression can occur.

Graduation Gift Ideas

29th May 2019

It’s that time of year again: graduation! If you have a friend or loved one graduating college or graduate school, but don’t know what to get them, look no further – Dissertation Editor has got your back.

Preparing for a Job Interview

30th April 2019

You revamped your resume or CV, thoroughly researched job possibilities, and wrote detailed and thoughtful cover letters – and now you got a job interview.

Creating a LinkedIn Profile That Works

23rd April 2019

Social media and social networking, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, are big parts of our lives, whether we want to admit it or not.

April is Stress Awareness Month!

22nd April 2019

Did you know that April is Stress Awareness Month? Established in 1992, Stress Awareness Month is meant to increase general awareness about the causes and effects of stress, and how to manage stress in your everyday life.

Nurturing Relationships While in Graduate School

2nd April 2019

Relationships are an important part of life: friendships, romantic relationships, family relationships, and professional relationships.

Acing Your Dissertation Defense

26th March 2019

After you turn in your dissertation, you will have a defense. The actual format can vary among disciplines and schools, but, in general, it’s a one to two hour event in which you “defend” your work, answer questions, or present your findings to your committee and colleagues.

Happy Pi Day!

14th March 2019

Happy Pi Day! While we love pie here at Dissertation Editor (and let’s be real, who doesn’t), we also love pi – especially our stats team.

The Importance of Proofreading

12th March 2019

During the dissertation writing process, we get a lot of clients who are aware of the value of editing, rewriting, and revising, but did you know that a final proofread is just as important as the initial editing, if not more so? When we work with a client, after the editing process (both line and then copy) is over and the client thinks they have the finished product ready to go, we will often suggest a final proofread and format order.

National Grammar Day

4th March 2019

Did you know that today is the only day of the year that is also a complete sentence? March Fo(u)rth! It’s only fitting, then, that today is also National Grammar Day.

Tips for Applying to Graduate School

20th February 2019

So you’ve decided to apply to graduate school – congratulations! This is a big decision. It can be overwhelming, but it’s very doable.

How to Write a Cover Letter

6th February 2019

So you’re applying for a job: you’ve spent countless hours scouring the job databases and listservs, polished your CV or resume…now to tackle the cover letter.

When Do I Need to Do a Power Analysis?

31st January 2019

You have your dissertation topic, fleshed out your research questions, and have a plan in place for your target study population and how you’re going to collect your data.

Dr. Roda's Recent Trip to USF!

29th January 2019

There are a lot of wonderful things going on here at Dissertation Editor, and we wanted to share some with you, our blog readers.

How to Write a Teaching Philosophy

22nd January 2019

If you’re going into academia - teaching, especially - then at some point you’ve likely been asked to write a statement of your teaching philosophy.

New Year's Resolutions for Graduate Students

10th January 2019

Happy New Year! It’s tradition for many people to make resolutions at the start of the new year, but so many times they fall by the wayside by the time January ends.

Thoughtful Thursday: Books About Science that Everyone Should Read

3rd January 2019

It’s the tail end of winter break for many of you, and hopefully you've been able to take at least some time off from writing and research and enjoy some free time, get some sleep, get outside and play in the snow, or do some “pleasure reading.

The Benefits of Journaling in Graduate School

26th December 2018

When was the last time you journaled? For many of us, it was as angsty teens, or kids who kept a diary.

How to Construct an Effective Poster Presentation

15th November 2018

If you decide to present your research at a conference, you might have to prepare a poster presentation.

4 Ways a Professional Editor Can Help Save You Time and Money

13th November 2018

We get it – as a graduate student, you don’t have a ton of disposable income, and so you’re careful about how you spend your money.

What It's Like to Work With a Ghostwriter

6th November 2018

We often see books by famous people, or books in a series that come out so often that you’re hard-pressed to believe that one person is actually writing them.

Classic Scary Books to Get You in the Halloween Mood

29th October 2018

Halloween is coming up, and along with black cats, pumpkins, candy, and scary movies, what about getting in the mood with some creepy classic books? Take a break from your research and writing, and escape into these time-tested stories for a few hours.

How to Write Professional Emails

23rd October 2018

You’re probably wondering why we’re devoting a whole blog post to the simple task of emailing – after all, we all do it, right? What could we possibly blog about? Well…a lot, it turns out.

Scholarly Writing Tips: Writing Application Essays

16th October 2018

Have you decided to apply to graduate school or apply for a fellowship? Are you applying to go back to school after being out for a few years? The application process can be challenging, especially the essays or personal statements, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve had to write anything for school.

Scholarly Writing Tips: Writing a Grant Proposal

9th October 2018

Depending on your research and your research needs, sometimes you need additional funding through grants.

Academic Writing Tips: How to Write an Abstract

3rd October 2018

If you’ve written a research paper, journal article, thesis, or dissertation, you likely have to write (or have written) an abstract.

In the News: Penn Will Be the First of the Ivies to Offer an Online Bachelor's Degree

19th September 2018

The University of Pennsylvania will become the first Ivy League school to offer an online Bachelor’s degree, starting next fall.

Research: Literature Review vs Annotated Bibliography

21st August 2018

During graduate school, and especially while you’re working on your dissertation, you’ll probably hear the terms “annotated bibliography” and “literature review” tossed around a lot.

Converting your Dissertation into a Book: Not as Easy as it Might Seem

16th August 2018

The day has come: your dissertation is finished, you passed, it’s all bound up and in your hands. After a much-deserved break and some relaxation, you might be considering turning your dissertation into a book – after all, it’s a fascinating topic, you’ve thoroughly researched it, and you have a lot to say about the topic.

Dissertation Research Tips: Choosing a Topic

7th August 2018

Some people go into their doctoral program with a clear idea of what they want to study and never waver from it; others have a vague sense of what they want their topic to be, and then fine-tune it; still others go in with some idea, and then end up focusing on a completely different topic altogether.

How to Increase Your Productivity

24th July 2018

We’ve all heard people talking about being morning people or night owls – and with that, comes varying differences in productive times for different people.

Finding and Maintaining your Motivation during the Dissertation Process

5th July 2018

Most people writing a dissertation have heard the comparisons to a “marathon, not a sprint.” While that’s not wrong, sometimes that’s not entirely helpful, either.

Formatting Friday: Introduction to OSCOLA

22nd June 2018

We don’t get requests for this formatting style often, but we’ve gotten it enough times to think it warrants a mention: OSCOLA, or the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities.

Formatting Friday: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

8th June 2018

IEEE might not be one of the more immediately recognizable formatting styles, but it’s widely used in the fields of computer science and engineering.

How to Write a Resume or CV

22nd May 2018

Applying for a new job can be stressful, and often, the key to getting your foot in the door for a second look or an interview is a well-organized, thoughtful resume or CV.

Thoughtful Thursday: 5 Tips for Stress Reduction

10th May 2018

We’ve done a post on self-care tips, and though this one might overlap a bit, with finals and the end of the semester coming up, having plenty of tools in your toolbox to cope with stress is never a bad thing.

Dr. Roda's interview in Boston Voyager!

1st May 2018

We are happy to share with you an interview that Boston Voyager did with our COO, Dr. Allen Roda. Read here to learn more about DE's origins, and how we've grown exponentially over the past few years - and are continuing to do so, thanks to our wonderful clients.

I wasn’t sure what to expect from Dissertation Editor as I had been mislead by a couple of other online companies that claimed to be editors. I was elated that this company was legit, and the DE people actually responded to my call for help! I was so happy to have someone else’s eyes on my paper who actually provided comments/feedback that I could use!


- Rachel B.

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