Getting and staying organized: for some people, it comes naturally. For others, it takes some work and effort. For still others, it’s a constant uphill battle. That’s okay – we all have our strengths and work in different ways. However, there’s no doubt that being organized helps make life and work a lot easier – especially with working from home since the pandemic started, and especially if you’re also juggling small kids at home and a partner who is also working from home, on top of all the household obligations.

We don’t necessarily know what the fall will look like yet, and of course things can change at any point in the semester, but getting and staying organized is a good habit to get into, whether you’re working in the office or at home, or attending in-person classes or remote classes. We’ve had several posts on organization before, and you can check those out here and here. Today, we’re going to share some of our favorite books on getting (and staying) organized, including general organization, professional organization, and dissertation/thesis-specific organization.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo

You didn’t think we’d leave this one off the list, did you? You’ve probably heard of this one, and for good reason. The KonMari method is a way to get super-organized in your home, your office, and with your school work. If you’re drowning in paperwork that you’ve had for ages or finding it hard to work in your messy house because it’s so distracting, read this now. Also see her book Joy at Work: Organizing Your Professional Life.

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg

If you struggle with organization and/or productivity, and want to change but aren’t sure how, this book helps explain why habits exist, and how you can change them and make new ones. More than just a how-to book, this is a fascinating look at how habits are formed and changed, with lots of real-life examples.

Writing the Doctoral Dissertation: A Systematic Approach by Gordon B Davis, Clyde A Parker, Detmar W Straub

There have been multiple previous editions of this book, and the newest edition has a wealth of information to get you started on your dissertation or thesis. It tackles how to choose an advisor and committee, narrow down a topic, research your topic, how to write a proposal, how to budget your time, and much, much more.

How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing by Paul J Silvia

Whether you’re working on a dissertation/thesis, or a journal article or paper, this book can help. In academia, it’s publish or perish, and this book will help show you how to use your time more productively, stay motivated, stay organized, and stay on-schedule. Silvia discusses how to succeed in your field while still having a life outside of academic writing and obligations. If you’re wondering how you can get organized to do it all, this book is for you.

Here at Dissertation Editor, while we can’t organize your home, your office, or your desk, we can help you organize your work and your writing process. Via our consultation services we offer guidance on organizing your research process and creating a writing plan. Via our editing, formatting, and data analysis services, we can assist you with revisions, clarifying comments from your readers, and any other challenges you may face. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your goals.

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