We know that the best advice to get started with writing is just to write. But there are definitely tools that help make the process less arduous (see our favorite books about writing here). Writing software is one of those tools. Such software can help you organize your ideas and notes, as well as minimize distractions. While it won’t write the book (or paper) for you, it might help make the road to completion a little less difficult.

Here are some software programs, both free and paid, that might be of interest to you. Remember, what works for one person may not work for another, no matter how amazing it is. Some people swear by Scrivener, while others throw up their hands in frustration with it. Try out different kinds if the first one doesn’t quite work.


If you’re working on a book, no doubt you’ve heard of Scrivener. Scrivener is a writing software that was specifically made for long writing projects. It has all the basic word-processing software like Word, but it also lets you upload your research, pictures, online links, outlines, notes, and more. It’s sort of like a big three-ring binder…but electronic. That being said, one of the drawbacks of Scrivener is the same thing that makes it wonderful: the complex, multi-faceted nature of it. It can be confusing and difficult to learn, although there are many interactive tutorials. The cost is $45, although there is a slight discount for students and academics (you have to be affiliated with an institution).

Microsoft Word  

This was the original writing tool, and is widely used today. It’s simple, easy to use, and straightforward. If you have a Mac, there can sometimes be issues with formatting, but for the most part, Word is the bread and butter of writing software. It’s not cheap, though, running about $80.00.


Do you get distracted a lot while trying to write? Are you constantly checking Facebook or your email? It might be worth using the Freedom program. While not a writing program per se, it’s a productivity app. It blocks social media sites during a session time of your choosing, and you can customize it to block email, social media, shopping sites, and more – on all your devices. The monthly cost starts at only a few dollars (if you sign up for a year; otherwise it’s around $7), but you can get lifetime access for $129.00.


Evernote is a note-taking app that is super helpful to keep on your phone, and though you can write chunks of content, it’s best when used as something to jot down thesis ideas, storylines that come to mind in the middle of the night or while you’re doing something else, or something like that – even questions about your dissertation that you might want to address or discuss with your advisor. The best part about it? It’s free, although you can upgrade to Premium for $8.00. There’s also a business version that can help organize projects and deadlines.

Once you’ve found the right software for you, we can help with editing and formatting! Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can offer personalized assistance to help you achieve your goals.


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Dr. Roda and his team at D.E. are the editors for my academic writing. My story with Dr. Roda is that I am a clinical assistant professor at a medical school. To move my career forward I am writing to increase the quantity and quality of my published scholarship. Because my appointment is clinical, all these efforts are on my own time and I have no secretarial help. In these circumstances DE has been supportive in the most essential way. They are available to help with all phases of my writing projects, starting with choosing the best journal, editing drafts, in house peer-review, formatting the citations to those exact specifications, from the latest edition of the APA Publication Manual or the Turabian manual. Finally, they are helpful as I must revise and answer the reviewers in subsequent revisions. For a physician without any administrative resources, DE has helped fill-in all those gaps. Presently, we are working on my second big writing project with DE editors. My first paper with DE as my editors was accepted by the first journal by all the reviewers on the first submission without any recommended editorial changes. As author with more than five years of work with DE editors, I anticipate continued success with these competant and helpful editors.


- Dr. Mike

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