Winter break is coming up – are you planning on actually taking a break, or planning to power ahead with your work? It is possible to do both, with a little planning. It’s important to give yourself space to rest and recharge during your thesis or dissertation process, but winter break can also be a good time to get some work done. (Notice we said “some,” not “all.”). Ironically, taking breaks can help you work more effectively than not taking breaks at all. Read on to find out how to make the most out of winter break.

Get a jump on jobs. Why not use this time to update (or even create) your LinkedIn profile? Make sure you add any pertinent research activities, awards or honors, internships or related work, and professional organizations to which you belong. Check out our blog post here on creating a LinkedIn profile. Look over your resume or CV and consider revising or reformatting it (hint hint: Dissertation Editor can help with that!).

Look ahead. If you’re signed up for classes next semester, keep tabs on whether the professor has posted the syllabus. It never hurts to skim the syllabus, take note of any potential questions or challenges, and get some books early to avoid the rush. If there’s reading due the first day, why not do it early?

Nurture connections. No, not job or school connections. Take the time while you’re home to spend time with family and friends. A strong social network is important for stress management, emotional, and physical health. These are your people. Be with them and take the time to catch up and enjoy them. You’ll be back in the grind at school soon enough.

Work smarter. If you do plan to do some work over winter break, set some small goals that are easily achievable. It’s tempting to look at all the free time you anticipate having and set a big goal. However, smaller, bite-sized goals are more easily manageable and you’ll feel really good about accomplishing each one on the way to the larger overall goal. You can always add another small goal on to the list if you end up finishing everything sooner than anticipated.

Take a break. Here’s a thought: you don’t HAVE to work on your research over winter break. Taking time away can enable you to return to your work more refreshed and passionate about the material. If you feel guilty about taking a break, what about working in a more relaxed way? Read something in the field or related to your research that you find personally interesting. Think about your material in a more creative way or from a different disciplinary perspective. All of this can help you think more critically and creatively about your material, even if you’re not “working” the way you generally work during the semester.

No matter what you do over your winter break, Dissertation Editor is here to help you. Our team of editors and statisticians can assist you with a wide range of services, including research assistance, choosing a methodology, data analysis, constructing a research plan, editing and revising, and more. Our services aren’t limited to theses and dissertations, either – contact us today to learn more about our extensive professional services like CV assistance and presentation assistance.



< Books to Read Over Winter Break How Failure Can Help You Succeed >

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