As a graduate student, you may have access to more resources on your campus than you realize. When I was in graduate school, it took me a long time to discover all of the campus services that were really at my disposal, and many of them ended up providing me with a great deal of dissertation help and other kinds of assistance. While larger universities will likely have more resources available than smaller schools, you should investigate what kinds of services your campus offers for graduate students and dissertation writers, because you never know when they will come in handy.

Interlibrary Loan

Your library isn't limited to the books that are right there on the shelves. If you need books that aren't there, your library can get them for you. Ask about interlibrary loan services, which allow you to request books owned by other institutions. Your library may also accept purchase requests, in which case they may buy books or other materials for your use. When it comes to dissertation research services, the library can be your best friend.

Research Centers

If you’re at a research university, investigate the different research centers that might exist on your campus. Some might have funding opportunities for graduate students, or might offer colloquia or programming that can put you into contact with people who could help with your dissertation research.

Legal Services

Some campuses offer free or low-cost legal services that can help with everything from landlord problems to figuring out rights and copyright restrictions for material that you may want to reprint in your dissertation.

Career Center

Whether you plan to pursue an academic or non-academic or alt-ac job, your university career center may offer workshops that can help you perfect your CVs and cover letters. They may also provide career counseling if you're unsure of what you plan to do when you finish your dissertation.

Instructional Development

Some campuses offer instructional development or professional development resources that can help you with your teaching. At my institution, there was an instructional development center that provided workshops and training for Teaching Assistants, as well as opportunities to apply for funding for teaching-related projects.

Writing Center

Writing Centers aren't just for undergraduates: many offer special programs to assist with dissertation writing. If you don't have access to dissertation writing help on your campus, consider working with a dissertation coach or dissertation editor from Dissertation

Medical And Mental Health Services

If your campus offers them, take advantage of the medical and mental health services that are available to you. It can be tough to stay healthy while writing, editing, and formatting a dissertation, so find out what support systems might be at your disposal.


If you need dissertation research help, dissertation coaching, help with dissertation editing and formatting, or other dissertation services and your university isn’t giving you the support you need, we’re here for you. Our team of PhDs know what it takes to complete a quality dissertation. From research to editing to dissertation-to-book conversion, we provide the services you need to get through every stage of your graduate career.

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