Writing and Research Tips


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Writing Your Dissertation: Finding the Gap

16th April 2018

You have your topic, your research questions (or at least a general idea of what they might be), and now you’re faced with a literature review.

What are "scholarly sources?"

20th March 2018

We get a variety of email queries about writing and research, and one of the most common includes questions about sources: namely, what kinds of sources are appropriate for a thesis or dissertation, and what constitutes a “scholarly source?” Many times, a client will email us because their advisor has commented on the lack of scholarly sources; or they’re unsure about whether or not they’ve gotten adequate sources.

Pi Day is Here!

14th March 2018

Happy Pi Day! What is Pi Day, you ask? Pi Day is celebrated on March 14, or 3/14. (It also happens to be Albert Einstein’s birthday, ironically).

It was a great experience. I received guidance as to the information needed to complete the work, and the project came in ahead of schedule. I do recommend the hour-long consultation at the end to go over the project—I found it very helpful.


- Marylyn H.

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