Writing and Research Tips


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Research: Literature Review vs Annotated Bibliography

21st August 2018

During graduate school, and especially while you’re working on your dissertation, you’ll probably hear the terms “annotated bibliography” and “literature review” tossed around a lot.

Writing Your Dissertation: Finding the Gap

16th April 2018

You have your topic, your research questions (or at least a general idea of what they might be), and now you’re faced with a literature review.

Literature Review Writing Tips

12th May 2014

It's Time to Write Your Literature Review! So, you’ve finished your coursework and passed your exams.

Having a neutral editor review my dissertation and help me reduce the content to the key facts was incredibly helpful. As researchers, we are often too close to the data to know which parts of the document to shed and which to keep. This process helped me create a better document with more focus and better delivery of the research results.


- Kim M.

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