Writing and Research Tips


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Clearing up Misconceptions About Academic Editing

19th May 2020

If you’ve ever wondered about academic editing, you’ve probably heard some falsehoods about it. You might have heard that it’s plagiarism, or that it’s only for people whose first language isn’t English, or that you can just have your friend who majored in English proofread your paper and it’s the same thing.

What Can You Do with a Dissertation Editor Gift Card?

5th December 2019

The holidays are coming up, and sometimes it’s not easy to figure out what to get friends or family members.

How to Beat Back-to-School Nerves

22nd August 2019

If you’ve been in any store lately, you know it’s just around the corner: back-to-school time! You can’t escape the school sales, kids stocking up on clothing and school supplies, and that oh-so-familiar smell of new notebooks, paper, and the memory of the thrill of choosing just the right backpack and lunch box.

Basics of Submitting to Academic Journals

2nd July 2019

Summer is a great time to start thinking about submitting to journals for publication. You might be working with a professor on research, have you dissertation, or other paper, completed that shows some promise, or you finally have time to finesse that article you’ve been working on.

I wanted to write a book, but I had no idea how. I didn't know how to format it, or anything. All I had was an idea. My editor Lauren was great. She helped with the formatting, grammar, and sentence structure. She challenged me to write more and more and more. She gave great advice and offered many ideas. When you write, you write. You don’t see what others who read see. I needed to have an editor. My book is finished, and I am thrilled with the results. It’s more than I ever thought it would become. I’ll be starting on a new book shortly, and I will use Dissertation Editor again. I hope Lauren will still be there.


- Sandra S.

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